
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Can't get enough

Its Hari Raya Haji, and Man i can't stop eating.Have to control or I'll end up screwed!

Today, though it's public holiday, im as bored a I have always have.Im so used to working in the weekends.Feel so weird when I'm not working.But it's okay, im back woring tomorrow.

Can't believe I got a freaking C, because I have misintepreted the question.I put in alot of effort when answering the question.So saddened :C

This weekend, i got something to look forward to! Going back to FEF after a month in GW.LOL. Yeah, finally! No awkawardness!

But I should feel lucky, cause i got the best of both world, FEF and GW!


Aww, look at them...Haha, so sweet.

Anyways, just now I went to attend the Lion Befriender Event For CE points.
It was quite fun and pretty much nothing to do, just usher people.They even serve dinners for us, the Volunteers!
It was kind of epic as there was alot of frogs, trying to find their mating partner i guess.

There was even a private joke about some of the frogs, who are interested in US!

Time really flies.
Before long, I am gonna be 18th! Like finally babe!

That's all for today.

P/s: I should stop procratinate.I need to focus on exams!
